Besser Geht Es Wirklich Nicht! Review Of Onbird Phu Quoc, Phu Quoc Island, Vietnam Tripadvisor Google Chrome

Before the tour, our customer support team always tries to reach out to guests in person to collect all necessary information about their swimming ability, snorkeling experience, and health conditions if have,…

In response to our question “Are you pregnant women, or seniors? (If yes, please describe more)?”, Mr. Alexander Held answered in an interesting way: I’m a man at the best age. 🙂

Alex is a good swimmer and had several times doing snorkel then he signed up for a small-group snorkeling tour with OnBird Phu Quoc to two of the most beautiful coral reefs in South Phu Quoc Island.


After the tour on 11 March 2023, we were informed by our guide that Alex also took another snorkel & island hopping tour by another tour operator (who regards themselves as a highly ranked premium 4 island hopping & BBQ lunch tour on Tripadvisor) 1 day before. Then we would love to know his preference

He amazed our team with a very detailed response as below:

– Ok, so I prefer the tour with OnBird much more. Honestly. (:

– What makes the difference? What are the reasons why you performed better? Here is my personal view:


  1. Very personal

Jack and Nhu greeted me very warmly and appreciatively with a handshake. They made me feel welcome and special.

  1. Group vibe

On the bus, you asked us to introduce ourselves to each other. I thought that was cool because you were immediately much more in contact with the other guests and the first ice was broken.

Also great, that the group wasn’t too big!

  1. Top guides

The two guides, especially Jack, were great personalities. It was interesting, entertaining, educational – it was just fun. Also great that in the conversation you gave insights into the way of life of Vietnamese and that there was also an interest to learn how it is in our homeland. So it wasn’t just a monologue.

  1. Snorkeling

As for the snorkeling, there were very simple, helpful, and understandable instructions and directions. I have always felt safe and cared for, and if I did something wrong, I was encouraged and told that it was not bad.

The snorkel equipment seemed very high quality and clean. Great class was the liquid that helped against the fogging of the snorkel goggles!!

The two places where we snorkeled were excellent. For the first time, I had dared to snorkel so close to a reef with a comfortable feeling (because of the good introduction).

Of course, it was also very good that the guides were in the water with us. So we were not disoriented and snorkeled around. ^^

  1. Environmental awareness

We have noticed that you are not only purely concerned with tourism, but that nature and sustainability are also very important to you. So it is important to you that the reef remains undamaged and we are aware that we are only visitors.

  1. Nice Chillout

The small island (Love Island) on which we were subsequently and had a small snack was very nice. It has invited really good to relax and has rounded off the snorkeling tour wonderfully. Also very nice that it was not crowded with other tourists (you know, everybody wants to be a tourist without other tourists ^^). In my opinion, there is no need for a big lunch or dinner after the snorkeling. It was just perfect with the snack.

  1. Feedback

You didn’t just ask by default if we liked the tour. No. You honestly asked for feedback and also for points that were not good or that can still be improved. This shows that you care about your guests and their opinions. This is also the only way (in my opinion) you can keep the tour experience at this high level or even improve it.

Alex also shared that he works in a company where customer satisfaction is the highest good, and we also take that very seriously at our company. and he’s also responsible for customer loyalty there.
That’s why we would love to learn from our customers as Alex as well.

Here comes Alex’s review on our TripAdvisor profile in his mother language:

Ich habe eine Schnorcheltour mit OnBird im Süden von Phu Quoc gemacht. Schade, dass man nicht 6 Sterne vergeben kann, denn das war mit die BESTE Tour, welche ich jemals gemacht habe (und ich habe schon viele Touren gemacht)! Das war von A bis Z einfach top organisiert.

Die beiden Guides Jack und Nhu waren tolle Persönlichkeiten. Es war interessant, unterhaltsam, lehrreich – es hat einfach Spaß gemacht. Toll auch, dass Sie im Gespräch Einblicke in die Lebensweise der Vietnamesen gegeben haben und dass auch das Interesse da war, zu erfahren, wie es in unserer Heimat ist. Es war also nicht nur ein Monolog.

Was das Schnorcheln angeht, so gab es sehr einfache, hilfreiche und verständliche Anweisungen und Hilfestellungen. Ich habe mich immer sicher aufgehoben gefühlt. Und wenn ich etwas falsch gemacht habe, wurde ich ermutigt und mir wurde gesagt, dass es nicht schlimm ist. Die Schnorchelausrüstung wirkte sehr hochwertig und war sauber. Große Klasse war die Flüssigkeit, die gegen das Beschlagen der Schnorchelbrille geholfen hat!! Die beiden Plätze, an denen wir geschnorchelt haben, waren ausgezeichnet. Zum ersten Mal hatte ich mich getraut, so nah über einem Riff zu schnorcheln und hatte ein gutes Gefühl (wegen der guten Einführung). Natürlich war es auch sehr gut, dass die Guides mit uns im Wasser waren. So sind wir nicht orientierungslos herumgeschnorchelt.

Die kleine Insel, auf der wir anschließend waren und einen kleinen Snack hatten, war sehr schön. Sie hat wirklich gut zum Entspannen eingeladen und hat die Schnorcheltour wunderbar abgerundet. Meiner Meinung nach ist ein großes Mittag- oder Abendessen nach dem Schnorcheln auch nicht nötig – es war einfach perfekt mit dem Snack. Auch sehr schön, dass es nicht mit anderen Touristen überfüllt war (ihr wisst ja, jeder will ein Tourist ohne andere Touristen sein ^^).

Gut fand ich auch, dass OnBird auch viel Wert auf Natur und Nachhaltigkeit legen. So ist es Ihnen wichtig, dass das Riff unbeschädigt bleibt und wir uns auch bewusst sein sollten, dass wir nur Besucher dieses Riffs sind.

Alles in allem eine absolut großartige Tour. Ich kann sie absolut weiterempfehlen.
